Strategic Objectives
- Enable communities to identify problems in their communities, formulate and implement activities to solve those problems and better manage their resource based through strategic partnership
- Respond actively to humanitarian emergencies through emergency responses programs and assist vulnerable communities prepare for future disasters.
- Reduce poverty and improve the quality of living in a sustainable manner by implementing integrated community development programs.
- Building the capacity of the local community structures on good governance, human rights and civil rights through civic empowerment and Human rights education
- Improve access to integrated quality primary health services through direct implementation and by working with partners.
- Provide adequate drinking water and sanitation infrastructures for all communities in our catchment areas.
- Empower communities and alleviate poverty though provision of capacity development and skills
- Strengthen organization’s capacity for emergence preparedness and control.
- Protect and improve household’s food security including asset base
- Increase participation and involvement of women in food security and livelihoods action.
- Strengthen capacity of vulnerable households to cope with future shocks.
Our partners